
French testimony of Anne-Christèle

My first encounter with the Matrix Approach brought intense relief and immense joy. More than the discovery of my reason for living on earth, I connect the vibrational resonance of my being, of the Being.

I perceive this new wave cycle we are entering.
There is therefore much Joy in connecting myself “to the highest first”, to the Absolute and learning to dance in the interface between the visible and the invisible. There is much joy in feeling the heart opening and smiling at life, in love with what it touches, with what is sees.

In resonance with the heart of this approach: “The appearance of Oneness within the infinity of the forms of manifestation”. Life is then revealed in all its magic !

The path of humanity is also there with the stammering acceptability of what life offers me. Desert crossings are alongside ecstasies, struggle alongside gratitude and acceptability.
In this setting of the theatre of life, the mantras, the vibrational codes of the matrix practice come to shake and transmute lovingly the resistances to Being.

The vibrational presence of Aziz, like that of the matrix family, accompanies this path of humility where the heart becomes an alchemist and the ego leaves the guidance to the Absolute.

Infinite gratitude.
Testimonials from the Seminar in Marrakech in November 2022

A lot of love and emotional maturity flooded this seminar and I felt at ease, astonished to have been able to follow Aziz’s transmission every day.

My decision, encouraged by Aziz, to enhance the value of the Mantra I received from him in my practice, has led me to a new understanding and resonance, within the observed and conscious phenomenon, of the rhythmic repetition of the associated silence. I’m surprised by this new curiosity about the subject.

This nomenclature used by Aziz had shaken me up at first and I fully understand the sense of dusting off beliefs, religions and preconceptions…

In fact, I was prepared for it, because in the course of my life, I’ve always looked for the substance of the teachings that lie behind the dogmas… And one day I stopped looking for what was looking for me and instead let myself be found…

In constant resonance with the mystical and the sacred in everything, I think I’ve found something to stop me for a while on the path of my evolution, which opens onto infinite vastness in connection with the creative Joy of everything.



Thank you for this wondeful seminar. Many thanks to Sidi Aziz and to all the organisers of this seminar, as well as to all the wonderful group.

For my part, I’m starting to practise the Rhythm of Silence and to live my day with a trilogy of matrices, it’s just beautiful and I can’t wait to receive the matrix device.

I look forward to meeting you again for another session.



This seminar of great subtlety, great depth and confident joy nourished the very depths of my cells.

Verbal, physical and emotional expressions were received with great respect, modesty and sometimes mental questioning, without judgement, thanks to the two ways loocking at things.

Every expression resonated within me.

Aziz’s benevolent guidance helped us to touch Unity, the other as another self dressed differently, part of the greater whole, letting the character slip for moments.

The integration of all these things that words reduce, continues in Silence…




This initiatory seminar revealed the Grace, the aspiration, the Presence of the Being! Assamadia 🙏

Heartfelt Thanks to Habibi Sidi Aziz for passing this on to us! Thank you so much 🙏

Thank you all for your magnificent presence at the Marrakech seminar, without whom none of this would have been possible! It was great, thank you very much 💞
